Saturday, May 31, 2008

Weird news finds of the day

While browsing the news this morning, I came across a crazy article at The Dallas Morning News site asking women to send their used panties to Burmese officials. According to the article, "The Panties for Peace campaign plays on the regime leaders' superstitious fear that contact with a woman's underpants will rob them of their power." I never would have thought anything like this would make any kind of serious news, but it did. Wonder what this says about what we prioritize as news? LOL

Also, while browsing the same site, I came across an article dated May 10, 2008 about Mormons baptising dead people. According to the article, the Vatican has instructed bishops not to share parish registers with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Mormons believe that baptism after death affords a way for non-Mormons to become Mormons.

This has to be the weirdest thing I've ever heard, Mormons trying to convert dead people to their own odd branch (if they can even be called that??) of Christianity. Why can't they just let the dead be dead? Shouldn't people have the right to say if they want to be converted (obviously dead people can't have any say, but..) or not? If I died and found out when I got to Heaven that I was now a Mormon & not the non - denominational Christian that I was before I died, I would wonder if I really was in the right place. LOL